Saturday, 20 June 2015

All you need to know about Tongkat Ali supplements

Q: What is Tongkat Ali?
Eurycoma Longifolia commonly known as Tongkat Ali is a tree from the family of Simaroubaceae that can grow up to 30 to 35 feet tall. The tree is commonly found in the forest of Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos and Myanmar. Different parts of this tree are widely used in its home region based on its reported properties. The other famous names of Tongkat Ali are Longjack, Malaysian Ginseng and Asian Viagra.
Q: Is Tongkat Ali Safe?
Used under suggested dosage and according to directions, Tongkat Ali supplements have not shown any adverse effect to human body. There were few cases that have shown nausea for the first few days during the usage of Tongkat Ali supplements. However, this can goes away after a few days of regular usage. Alternatively you can start with the smaller dose and gradually increase the content of supplements.
Q: Why use Tongkat Ali Root Extract?
Tongkat Ali root extracts collected through genuine procedures are powerful and natural testosterone booster. The compound of Elongifolia in Tongkat Ali root extracts utilizes body’s own testosterone production system for over production. This can be highly effective for a person suffering from Low Testosterone symptoms like male burnout, lethargy due to low T, loss of libido, illness or fatigue.
Q: How Tongkat Ali Root Extract Works?
Tongkat Ali root extract contains the component called Eurycoma Longifolia. When it absorbs in human body with suggested dosage, it stimulate the natural testosterone production level and block the stopping production feedback cycle when testosterone production reaches to its normal level.
Human body has a natural peak of testosterone production and once that peak is achieved body sends signals to pituitary gland and hypothalamus to initiate the reduction of testosterone level in body. Tongkat Ali capsule helps fighting Low T situation by blocking this signal and allowing body to produce more testosterone.
Q: What Are The Side Effects Of Tongkat Ali Supplements?
Most commonly Tongkat Ali has shown a very less or almost no side effects when taken as supplements prepared for prescribed dosages. However, there are some patients experiencing different side effects for shorter period of time based on their individual body profile. It is also noticed of subsiding side effects of Tongkat Ali in a few weeks of time.
Some of the adverse effects shown are the hyper aggression in patients during the early days of dosage. However, this is normal because of the increasing testosterone level in the body. Some may feel insomnia that also subsides in a week or two. But one thing to remember is that the Tongkat Ali is a natural herb extracted from the root of tree and that is why it doesn’t show possible side effect compare to the capsules based on synthetic compound.
Starting with the higher dosage of Tongkat Ali capsule shows higher energy level and may result into restlessness. It causes increase in libido or sexual desire. This can be an adverse effect for those who are taking it for Low T symptoms and fighting against fatigue and tiredness.
Note: The above mentioned side effects of Tongkat Ali supplements are based on our personal experience with Tongkat Ali capsule and are not suggested by any licensed physician, qualified personal trainer or researchers. If you are prone to illness or allergies due to Tongkat Ali then better visit physician before using it.
Q: Is Tongkat Ali Root Extract A Medical / Pharmaceutical Product?
We face this question now and often. Our readers and potential buyers looking to try Tongkat Ali supplement in India keep asking the question of it having a Medical or Pharmaceutical product. The straight answer for this is NO. Tongkat Ali root extract is herbal product collected through natural processes. Therefore it is not a pharmaceutical product nor does it contain other medical composition into it.
What Are The Guidelines For Buying Tongkat Ali Root Extract.
Q: It is important to buy Tongkat Ali root extract and not just Tongkat Ali product.
Consider buying Tongkat Ali root extract supplements that specifies the extract strength. Suggested dosage to start with is 1:200 Tongkat Ali supplements.
Tongkat Ali root extract collected from the root of the tree that is more than 10 years of age is better and more effective.
Q: What is 1:200 Strength of Tongkat Ali Capsule?
The meaning of 1:200 strength means 1 gram of root extract was made using 200 grams of root; therefore the strength of this extract is 1:200.
Q: What To Expect From Tongkat Ali Supplement?
Week 1: This is starting phase of increased level of testosterone. You will notice some changes in your body with less fatigue and increased in sex drive.
Week 2: By the time of second week you will notice a stable improvement in strength. You may also overcome some symptoms like insomnia.
Week 3: increased strength and overall body wellness. You may also notice little improvement in aggressiveness due to higher level of testosterone. Your body have started improving against Low T situation.
Week 4: increase in lean mass and noticeable reduction in body fat. Also results into improved confidence level due to well being of physical and mental conditions.
Week 5 & 6: During this period your testosterone level will be considerably higher than normal. This is the time when you see greatest benefits of Tongkat Ali supplements by less or almost no fatigue and tiredness, loosing fat and getting lean muscle in your body. Also you will see better sexual performance and improved semen quality.

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