Disclaimer : The article below is a compilation of various articles from net and feedback from different people who have experienced very bad flu which had similar symptoms of swine flu. All of the experiences I am sharing are precautions and home remedies which these individuals took which really helped them to recover faster and alleviate discomforts of the flu infection. It is just an effort from my side to share my experiences and interactions so that readers can benefit from these remedies, readers discretion is advised. These remedies will really be helpful for your kids.
Some Basic Facts about Swine Flu :
Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in a barking cough (continuous coughing), decreased appetite, nasal secretions (runny nose), and listless behavior (irrational Behavior) the virus can be transmitted to humans.Swine flu viruses may mutate (change) so that they are easily transmissible among humans.The swine flu outbreak is due to infection with the H1N1 virus and was first observed in Mexico.Symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to most influenza infections: fever (100 F or greater), cough, nasal secretions, fatigue (muscle pain) and headache.
Antiviral agents oseltamivir (Tamiflu), have been reported to help prevent or reduce the effects of swine flu if taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
Swine flu is transmitted from person to person by inhalation or ingestion of droplets containing virus from people sneezing or coughing; it is not transmitted by eating cooked pork products.
Symptoms of swine flu are similar to most influenza infections: fever (100 F or greater), cough, nasal secretions, fatigue, and headache, with fatigue being reported in most infected individuals. Some individuals may also get a sore throat, rash, body aches, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The incubation period from exposure to first symptoms is about one to four days, with an average of two days. The symptoms last about one to two weeks and can last longer if the person has a severe infection.
Some individuals develop severe respiratory symptoms and need clinical support or even hospitalization. Patients can get pneumonia (bacterial secondary infection) if the viral infection persists, and some can develop seizures. Death often occurs from secondary bacterial infection of the lungs; appropriate medical support need to be used in these individuals.
Fortunately, although H1N1 developed into a pandemic (worldwide) flu strain, the mortality rate in many countries only approximated the usual numbers of flu deaths worldwide, which means common cold kills individuals worldwide comparable to that of swine flu deaths, so if you have experienced and handled a common flu, Swine flu is no different except slight severity of symptoms.
So first of all what ever strain or flu type you have contracted keep calm DON'T PANIC follow some simple care and precautions it will really help you reduce severity and complications.
Back To Basics of Remedies :
1 - Panicking is not a solution for any form of kind of flu so try these simple and good old grand' ma days remedies when you feel the very first symptom of any flu, these remedies will significantly reduce the degree of symptoms.
First and foremost which none of the internet remedies speak about is Drinking Hot Water yes not warm but hot water just like your coffee or tea one cup full every 2 - 3 hours. All flu virus form a hard coating around it in cold environment, making it really difficult for the immune system to handle and proliferate rapidly, increasing the temperature of our fluid intake significantly affects this hard coat and leaves the virus more susceptible to our immune system right at the beginning of symptoms. Moreover hot water or even beverages offers a soothing effect to the airway helping cope with the symptoms.
Do not worry about drinking hot drinks when you have fever as hot drinks will help sweating which further helps in reducing the body temperature. This remedy is the best to begin with and trust me I have seen this remedy work personally with many people I know its simple and every one elderly, babies or even people with long term chronic illness like diabetes or asthma can follow this without any issue.
2 - The second good old remedy which most of the internet remedies overlook is Salt Water Gargle (The water should be bearably hot to gargle and not just warm) or wash your hands with soap just stick some salt to your wet fingers and apply directly to either side of your throat just like a throat paint, this effective remedy ensures that the high concentration of salt flushes harboring virus out of throat through increased mucosal secretion. This remedy is not a cure but will surely help to relieve throat discomfort and also keep a check on the viral load.
This remedy is also simple and can be adapted by anyone irrespective of any underlying condition or age group.
3 - All kinds of flu begin their journey to our bodies from nose or throat ( Pharynx ) by affecting our cells and multiplying using human cells this is the incubation period. Once the viral load is sufficient it starts to migrate to the lungs with the help of our mucus once it infects the lungs the infected individual starts to really feel the discomfort as bodies defense mechanism secretes high quantity of mucus to flush the virus out of the system. This is the time when the person coughs a lot in a continuous barking cough to expel the fluids loaded with virus.
Our regular reaction to such an episode is to take a cough syrup without knowing what type of cough syrup to be taken and ultimately end up buying a syrup which suppresses the cough center in brain, here is where the problem starts when the body continues to secret mucus but due to suppression of cough center it leads to further complications. I will not elaborate on this topic here but will surely discuss about this in my next article but please keep in mind that in any flu condition cough syrups which suppresses the cough are strict NO NO please share it with your friends too.
But instead of taking a cough syrup it is more effective if you take a plain anti allergic medicine which you can request your doctor to prescribe or recommend, anti allergic medicine will not stop bodies cough response instead it will control the volume of secretion which helps the patient expel the mucus.
4 - Another blunder we all or may be some of us commit is when the lung is stuffy with increased mucosal secretion we tend to take steroids (betamethasone, prednisone etc), inhalers, nebulizers or any medication which our doctor has prescribed in our last visit to the doctor. This blunder can be really dangerous as prolonged steroid usage without the doctors recommendation can cause some serious side effects, so its a serious no no for self medication with steroids but it does help in opening the airway helping in normal breathing all that's important is timing and dosage.
Steroids and nebulizers can speed up the recovery if taken in low dosage when the viral load subsides. consult your doctor for a recommendation as he is the right person to evaluate your condition and prescribe the right dosage.
5 - As any of the viral infections also affects the persons immune system and also low appetite during the flu further deteriorates the patients health there is a high risk of opportunistic bacteria to take advantage of the bodies weakness so take advice from your doctor to recommend a broad spectrum antibiotic even-though you are suffering from an viral infection because this antibiotic will keep the opportunistic pathogens at bay and will help the patient in recovery. Make sure you consult your doctor about this as he will have the experience regarding the latest antibiotics effective in your region.
6 - Last but not least food is the most important part of the bodies ability to recover so make sure the patients everything which the patient feel comfortable with, but strict no no to cold refrigerated food items like ice creams, colas curd or cold juices, make sure to warm all food items even juices which will maintain a warm body temperature.
I am sure some or all of the remedies you would have heard of but I have seen these remedies working for some of my friends so don't panic even if your young ones shows symptoms of flu as some simple remedies can really help your child to recover. Thanks for your patience in reading such a long post. Will get back with latest remedies and also elaborate on some of the points I have discussed here in my next article.